FuturePak 2010
FuturePak 2010
11-12 October 2010
SingaporeFuturePak 2010 is a platform to help you consider innovations and sustainability when making decisions about packaging systems. This event will help you understand where and how your decisions impact the use of resources (energy, waste, land) and production of waste and greenhouse gases. Attend this event to gain insights on what's upcoming in the realm of packaging to help your company stay ahead of the curve. The conference will provide critical insights of packaging related professionals on topics ranging from new technologies, sustainability, waste management, novel materials and design to marketing aspects that will help your company rise to the top. Participate and share ideas, get inspired and hear what other people are doing differently when faced with the same challenge Key Topics to be discussed:
Focusing on cost-effective packaging to balance the costs whilst improving the quality
Integrating environmental decision-making into your packaging processes to contribute to a greener and more sustainable life cycle
Strengthening partnership with suppliers and stakeholders to enhance the packaging processes
Positioning packaging as the purchase motivator by furthering innovation to gauge consumers’ perspectives of packaging innovation and putting feedback into action
Identifying the right materials for your product packaging to add value to your product
Converging on effective methods to reduce packaging waste to save costs and the environment
Achieving a perfect balance of quality and low-cost operations in your packaging value chain by leveraging on Lean Six Sigma For more info, please contact the Marketing Exec, Ms. Lee Chew Wan Telephone: +603 2723 6748 Email: LeeC @marcusevanskl.com