How Much Food Do You Waste In Singapore?
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October. This year, we would like to remember World Food Day by spreading awareness and action on food waste reduction.
Together with Helpling, an online platform that connects you to cleaners, we have created this infographic to show you how much food we waste in Singapore.

Now that you understand how much food we waste in Singapore, the next step is for you to play a part in reducing food waste in your daily life and at home. Simply follow the 8 tips below and start reducing food waste!
1) Learn About Food Sources
Learn about where your food comes from and understand how farmers toil to produce your food. This would help you better appreciate the food you eat and thus waste less food.
2) Grow Your Own Food
Grow your own food in Singapore to better appreciate your food and waste less. This would also help to reduce the food wastage during transportation and storage, the resources spent, and carbon emissions generated from importing food.
3) Plan What To Buy
Before you go shopping for food, plan what to buy using a shopping list. This would help you avoid buying more food than you need.
4) Store And Handle Food Properly
Store and handle your food properly at home to help you keep food longer without spoilage, and thus reduce food wastage.
5) Cook And Order Just Enough
Choose the right food portions and cook just enough food. Also order just enough food, thus avoiding food waste and saving money.
6) Cook Your Leftover Food
Keep and cook your leftover food instead of throwing them away, thus helping to reduce food wastage at home.
7) Start Food Composting
Try composting your fruit and vegetable scraps at home or in the community garden, and produce compost for gardening.
8) Make Garbage Enzyme
Make garbage enzyme from your fruit and vegetable scraps, and use it for cleaning purposes.
Finally, sign the pledge to Save Food Cut Waste in Singapore, and share this post with your friends and encourage them to reduce food waste together!
Infographic credit: Helpling