Plastic bag production 'an environmental worry'
By Lee Jia Xin and Goh Shi Ting, The Straits Times, 27 Apr 2012. Plastic bag production in Singapore has been singled out as an environmental worry because of the amount of crude oil it uses. About 1.2kg of the precious resource goes into every kilogram of bags manufactured, according to a study by the Agency for Science, Technology and Research. Another problem is the amount of carbon dioxide released during the process, which contributes to global warming. Overall, this kind of production is a cause for concern, the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) told The Straits Times. Last year, Singaporeans used about three billion plastic bags, which consume roughly 37 million kg of crude oil and 12 million kg of natural gas. SEC executive director Jose Raymond said it was focusing on reducing the number of bags wasted in Singapore, calling it a 'troubling symptom of our shift towards a throwaway culture'. Click here to read the full story.