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Should recycling be compulsory? [News]


Should recycling be compulsory?

By Richard Hartung, Today, 5 Jun 2012. We may be a clear leader in some vital environmental practices like recycling, but all is not rosy - or verdant, as the case may be - for Singapore, which is at the same time a low-ranked laggard with a massive ecological footprint. With recycling at 59 per cent of all waste, according to the National Environment Agency (NEA), Singapore has one of the world's highest recycling rates. Only a few countries such as Austria, with recycling nearing 70 per cent, rank higher. Yet the World Wide Fund for Nature's (WWF) Living Planet Report 2012 notes that Singapore has the largest ecological footprint of any country in Asia. Singapore puts more pressure on the environment and requires more area to produce the resources it consumes than any other Asian nation. Behind both headline numbers is a more complex story. And at the heart of that story lies the lifestyle choices that individuals in Singapore make every day. Read more Source: Today

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